Midnight's Children Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Children get food shelter pocket-money longholidays and love, all of it apparently free gratis, and most of the little fools think it's a sort of compensation for having been born. 'There are no strings on me!' they sing; but I, Pincchio, saw the strings. Parents are impelled by the profit motive-nothing more, nothing less. For their attentions, they expected, from me, the immense dividend of greatness. (2.11.23)

Is this a good description of families? Just parents having kids so that they can reap the benefits in the future? Or is Saleem just being cynical?

Quote #8

As for genealogies: Uncle Mustapha spent all his spare time filling giant log-books with spider-like family trees, eternally researching into and immortalizing the bizarre lineages of the greatest families in the land […] (3.27.22)

What is up with these guys and their obsession with lineage? Couldn't they collect cars or something?

Quote #9

I didn't want to stay, anyway. Family: an overrated idea. Don't think I was sad! Never for a moment imagine that lumps arose in my throat at my expulsion from the last gracious home open to me! I tell you-I was in fine spirits when I left. (3.27.41)

So. Saleem is a liar. And a bad one.