Wealth Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You life ain't you property?" (3.2.64)

Non-standard grammar aside, this man named Morrison makes a good point. People will put their lives on the line to protect their property, whether it be money, a house, of stuff. Shouldn't they put more value on their lives?

Quote #8

What can I say about my well-bred, small-nosed, trust-funded schoolmates? (3.5.21)

Cal's boarding school experience shows us that, yes, money can buy education. These girls aren't good at anything other than inheriting their parents' dough.

Quote #9

They were well stocked with gorp, bongs, pipes, vials of amyl nitrate, but understocked on towels, underwear, toothpaste. (4.4141)

It's hard for a homeless person to get by, but it makes it difficult to justify giving them money (Cal watches them beg for change) when this is what they're spending their money on. We don't even know what half of that stuff is. (Seriously, though, what is gorp?)