Sex Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Thanks to Dr. Phil's decrepitude and Tessie's prudishness, I arrived at puberty not knowing much about what to expect. (3.4.76)

Lustful feelings go hand-in-hand with raging hormones. Unfortunately, Cal's family is pretty repressed when it comes to sexuality (you'd think a family made up of a brother-and-sister grandparents and first-cousin parents would be a little more open... ), so Cal has a difficult time coming to terms with the crazy soup of sexual feelings he's having as a teenager.

Quote #8

Ecstasy. From the Greek Ekstasis. Meaning not what you think. Meaning not euphoria or sexual climax or even happiness. Meaning, literally: a state of displacement, of being driven out of one's senses. (3.9.162)

Even though Cal rules out sexual climax in the definition of ecstasy, this is a pretty spot on definition of lust. Lust happens when your thought process gets driven out of your mind and you start thinking with your… other regions.

Quote #9

"The guy's cock turns you on?" (4.1.162)

Part of Cal's treatment with Dr. Luce involves watching porn with him. That's not like any therapy we've had. Luce seems to be measuring Cal's sexual attraction, but what Luce doesn't realize is that the gender Cal is attracted to has absolutely no bearing on what gender he himself actually is.