Race Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"They don't take care of their properties. They let everything go to hell." (3.1.80)

Milton's views on black people manifest in a blanket statement (to say the least). Of course, this kind of blanket is more like the smallpox-contaminated blankets that the U.S. gave to Native Americans than the warm, fuzzy kind. This is a damaging generalization Milton makes here.

Quote #8

The riots have begun... (3.2.21)

Eugenides condenses years of racial tension and strife erupting into literal flames into four small words. It's kind of like if you're getting ready for the homecoming dance and you say, "I have a zit" except, you know, it's about something actually serious in this case.

Quote #9

We were ready to accept the Negroes. We weren't prejudiced against them. We wanted to include them in our society if they would only act normal! (3.2.40)

We don't think that the Stephanides family deviates too far from the norm by having this opinion at this time in history. Do you think the Stephanides family's opinion on race is typical of the time? Do you think it still exists today? Is there anything wrong with this viewpoint?