Fate and Free Will Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Free will is making a comeback. Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into a mind. (4.5.5)

What do you think Cal means here? Did people not have free will once upon a time, but now they do? Maybe we were meant to say this… maybe you shouldn't even think about it… the answer has been predetermined. We knew you'd be here reading this. And thinking about goats. (You're thinking about goats now, aren't you?)

Quote #11

Fate or luck had brought me here and I had to take from it what I needed. (4.5.66)

Okay, two things here: (1) A question: What's the difference between fate and luck? (2) A thought: This is a good combination of fate and free will, isn't it? Cal believes that fate (or luck) got him into the, ahem, sticky situation he's in, but he's going to use willpower to get out of it.