Family Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Most guys wouldn't be so happy to find out that they'd been two-timed by a lesbian with their own sister." (3.10.106)

Jerome clearly has a problem here, but what is it? Is he defending his sister? Is he homophobic? Is he still angry about his bad dye job? The issues are endless with this kid.

Quote #8

Tessie was dreaming a family dream. A version of the nightmares Desdemona had after listening to Fard's sermons. (4.1.199)

Maybe it's because Tessie and Desdemona are the women of the family, but they feel the weight of their family's problems on their shoulders. And boy, does the Stephanides family have problems. Tessie's deltoids must be super huge from holding all that weight up.

Quote #9

I like to think that my father's love for me was strong enough that he could have accepted me. But in some ways it's better that we never had to work that out, he and I. (4.6.99)

It's pretty sad that Cal has to rationalize this after his father's death. Do you think Milton ever would have accepted him? Maybe Milton's death was a good thing after all.