Medea Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Paul Roche's translation.

Quote #7

Medea: how I bless you both […]
not here—beyond […]
every blessing here you father has despoiled. (173)

Some scholars claim that this is Medea's best argument for the murder of her sons. They represent her marriage, which has been tainted by Jason. Therefore, they must be destroyed.

Quote #8

Medea: My heart dissolves
When I gaze into their [her son's] bright irises […]
Why damage them in trying to hurt their
and only hurt myself twice over? (173)

Here Medea seems to sincerely waver in her resolve. She is touched by the closeness of her sons. This softer moment reveals a tender side of the character, which is often overlooked.

Quote #9

Messenger: A king's home a charnel house –
and you rejoice? […]

Medea seems to sincerely enjoy all the gruesome details of that the messenger relates. Her revenge satisfies her greatly. She differs from most tragic protagonists because she doesn't end up regretting her actions. Ultimately, she's OK with how everything turns out.