Medea Exile Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Paul Roche's translation.

Quote #7

Jason: I should like you to remain.
But you, Madam,
obstinate in folly,
have continuously reviled our royalty,
And so you are banished. (59)

Jason blames Medea for her exile from Corinth. Is his argument in anyway credible? Yeah, she has been going around threatening the royal family, which isn't the best move. It seems, however, that Jason would've been able to predict such a reaction from his spouse. It's likely that he would've known exactly how Medea would react, when he took another wife.

Quote #8

Jason: When I came here from the land of Iolcus, […]
I, a wretched fugitive (59)

It's important to note that Jason is an exile as well. He's originally from Iolcus, not Corinth. He's actually heir to the throne of Iolcus, but was exiled from the city after he and Medea conspired to have King Pelias, Jason's uncle, killed by his daughters. Jason's desperate desire to regain royal status undoubtedly motivates his marriage to Creon's daughter.

Quote #9

Chorus: Death: I would bargain with death,
To die such a day to a finish.
For nothing is like the sorrow […]
Of losing your native land. (80)

Here the Chorus expresses the depth to which ancient Greeks felt an affinity towards their native city. Many Athenians would've have totally agreed with the sentiment that death is better than exile.