Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Janis and Regina


Janis is Cady's guide to North Shore, and she's excellent at her job. With the help of Damian, she gives Cady info on the North Shore social order, from explaining the power of The Plastics to sketching out a handy map of the cafeteria and its cliques. Her appearance may be bold and edgy, but she's a loyal friend and vital source of info as Cady struggles to get socialized.


If you thought all mentors were good, think again. Regina is Cady's guide to the Dark Side. She shows her The Way of the The Plastics: how to dress, how to style herself, how to talk, and, most nefarious of all, how to control people. Regina's a master manipulator; it's how she keeps Cady, Gretchen, Karen, and even Aaron under her spell—until the student becomes the master and Cady overthrows her.