Disappointment Quotes in Me Before You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was so furious, you see, that all around me were things that could move and bend and grow and produce, and my son [...] was just this thing. (8.55)

Camilla Traynor is devastated by her son's injury, not just because of its profound effect on her life as his caretaker, but because she's forced to see all of his hopes and dreams for the future squashed. That's an unimaginable thing for any parent to go through.

Quote #5

I couldn't talk to him. I found it difficult even to meet his eye. It was like finding out your boyfriend had been unfaithful. (9.22)

On the flipside, Lou is incredibly disappointed when she learns of Will's plan to commit assisted suicide at Dignitas. Why has she been coming in and taking care of him? Why has she been growing emotionally attached to him? It's a hard thing to wrap her mind around.

Quote #6

"You decided what you thought you'd like me to do, and you went ahead and did it. You did what everyone else does. You decided for me." (11.185)

Will struggles with his lost sense of independence, as we see here in the aftermath of Lou's ill-advised trip to the horse races. It's bad enough that he's not allowed to do the things he loves anymore, but he also has to contend with others' belief that he can't make his own decisions anymore.