Sacrifice Quotes in The Maze of Bones (The 39 Clues)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Dan] wasn't an expert at jewelry prices, but he figured that [jade dragon] necklace was one of the most expensive pieces in the box. If [Amy] kept it, they wouldn't nearly get as much. (6.98)

And Amy does keep it. The jade dragon is so unique, it'll probably end up being a critical part in the plot, but unless she's psychic, Amy doesn't know this. Instead it looks like she's not sacrificing as much as Dan does.

Quote #5

[Dan] wanted to go on this clue hunt more than he wanted his collection. (6.105)

Dan's sacrifice is huge. He doesn't just leave his collection behind, he decides to sell it to finance their trip. If they win, Amy's going to owe him enough baseball cards to wrap around the globe.

Quote #6

If [Saladin] got hurt, Dan would never forgive himself. (9.64)

Saladin the cat has become a beloved member of Amy and Dan's family, but they give him up (temporarily) to keep him from getting hurt. The things we do for our pets.