Matilda The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A strange feeling of serenity and confidence was sweeping over her and all of a sudden she found that she was frightened by nobody in the world. With the power of her eyes alone she had compelled a glass of water to tip and spill its contents over the horrible Headmistress, and anybody who could do that could do anything. (14.35)

What's so awesome about Matilda's telekinesis is not just the fact that she can move things with her mind. It's that her ability makes her feel so spectacular—serene, confident, and no longer frightened. This ability makes Matilda not only sure of herself, but brave, too.

Quote #5

"I made the glass tip over."

"I still don't quite understand what you mean," Miss Honey said gently.

"I did it with my eyes," Matilda said. "I was staring at it and wishing it to tip and then my eyes went all hot and funny and some sort of power came out of them and the glass just toppled over." (15.23-5)

What Matilda's just done is so bananas that it doesn't make very much sense to say it aloud. She doesn't have the fancy words to explain moving stuff with her mind neatly or clearly. So her explanation comes out all jumbled, in a sentence that has five "ands" in it. (Go on, count 'em. We'll wait.) Of course, unless you're Roald Dahl, we're betting the supernatural is pretty tough to explain.

Quote #6

Miss Honey's mouth dropped open and her eyes stretched so wide you could see the whites all round. She didn't say a word. She couldn't. The shock of seeing the miracle performed had struck her dumb. […] She saw the child white in the face, as white as paper, trembling all over, the eyes glazed, staring straight ahead and seeing nothing. The whole face was transfigured, the eyes round and bright, and she was sitting there speechless, quite beautiful in a blaze of silence. (15.41)

Okay, so Matilda's not out healing the sick or turning water into wine or bread into fish. But the words here remind us of descriptions of saints and religion. See, Miss Honey thinks that what Matilda's done is every bit as impressive as those other, more famous miracles. Now Matilda is beautiful and transfigured, just like other holy figures of the past.