Matilda Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What the blazes is this?" yelled the Trunchbull. It had shaken her to see her own first name being written like that by an invisible hand. She dropped Wilfred on to the floor. Then she yelled at nobody in particular, "Who's doing this? Who's writing it?" (20.38)

Ah, the beginning of the Trunchbull's grand punishment. It's glorious to watch, don't you think? What we love is how flabbergasted the evil woman is. She's so used to being in control that when the chalk starts writing, she hardly knows what to do with herself, and it's pretty fun to watch. Victory is sweet.

Quote #8

She was feeling curiously elated. She felt as though she had touched something that was not quite of this world, the highest point of the heavens, the farthest star. She had felt most wonderfully the power surging up behind her eyes, gushing like a warm fluid inside her skull, and her eyes had become scorching hot, hotter than ever before, and things had come bursting out of her eye-sockets and then the piece of chalk had lifted itself up and had begun to write. It seemed as though she had hardly done anything, it had all been so simple. (20.52)

Sweet, sweet justice. In punishing the wicked, Matilda feels strangely elated. All is right with the world, and it's all thanks to Matilda. Talk about a happy ending to the Trunchbull story.

Quote #9

…Miss Honey received […] a letter […] informing her that the last will and testament of her late father, Dr. Honey, had suddenly and mysteriously turned up. This document revealed that ever since her father's death, Miss Honey had in fact been the rightful owner of a property on the edge of the village […] The will also showed that her father's lifetime savings, which fortunately were still safely in the bank, had also been left to her. (21.10)

In a Dahl book, evil can't triumph for long. Wrongs are righted, and the good guys get what's good. How can you not cheer when Miss Honey gets all her money back? Here's hoping she uses it to buy an awesome new house for her and her awesome new daughter.