Matilda Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Miss Honey gazed at Matilda with absolute amazement, but when next she spoke she kept her voice level. "That is really splendid," she said. "But of course multiplying by two is a lot easier than some of the bigger numbers. What about the other multiplication tables? Do you know any of those?" (7.27)

Miss Honey is shocked, amazed, dumbfounded, you name it. But she doesn't show it at all. She just acts normal and tries to suss out what's really going on. Of course this is exactly the right reaction. If she had done what Mrs. Wormwood did in the previous quote, well we're thinking that might have upset Matilda just a little bit. After all, she's a regular girl like the rest of us.

Quote #5

Both Matilda and Lavender were enthralled. It was quite clear to them that they were at this moment standing in the presence of a master. Here was somebody who had brought the art of skullduggery to the highest point of perfection, somebody, moreover, who was willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of her calling. They gazed in wonder at this goddess, and suddenly even the boil on her nose was no longer a blemish but a badge of courage. (10.30)

To Matilda and Lavender, Hortensia is a hero. She's stood up to the scariest being they've ever seen, the Trunchbull, and survived. Not only that, Hortensia has given as good as she's gotten, doing things like spiking the Trunchbull's undies drawer with itching powder. Hortensia is brave. In their eyes, she's a goddess, which makes her a source of amazement for her younger schoolmates.

Quote #6

As the very last mouthful [of cake] disappeared, a tremendous cheer rose up from the audience and children were leaping on to their chairs and yelling and clapping and shouting, "Well done, Brucie! Good for you, Brucie! You've won a gold medal, Brucie!" (11.90)

It's extra funny that the audience says he's a "gold medal" winner because of it, when the Trunchbull is the one who's actually been to the Olympics. But what's really great about Bruce's triumph over the cake (and the Trunchbull) is that the Trunchbull totally didn't see it coming. She's so used to coming out on top, the thought of having her plan backfire is totally shocking to her, and therefore all the more awesome to the kiddos.