Marty Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Marty? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Marty decide to be a butcher?

the discounts are crazy
his dad's friend offers him the job
he plans on taking down the meat-industrial complex from the inside
he's always liked meat
Q. Why is Clara unsure about leaving New York for Port Chester?

she might get lonely
there's less culture there
it smells bad there
she'd miss NYC
Q. Where does Virginia buy her pork chops?

at Marty's
the A&P
she butchers her own pigs
trick question: she's a vegetarian
Q. Where does Marty suggest he and his mom move to?

the country, where he can finally pursue his dream of alpaca farming
a bigger house so they have more space
back to Italy
a smaller apartment in a nicer neighborhood
Q. How did Marty's dad die?

an unfortunate and mysterious series of events
a heart attack, while playing cards
a shark attack, while surfing
falling off the Brooklyn Bridge