Mariana Sadness Quotes

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Quote #4

without hope of change,
    In sleep she seem'd to walk forlorn, (29-30)

The root of her sadness is her lack of hope. Like her unwillingness to look forward to anything good, she's unable to find a reason to feel happy. The future doesn't seem to offer any hope of change, and it turns her into a zombie (not literally, hopefully). Depression can zap even the smallest amount of hope out of life, and it seems like Mariana is suffering pretty hard as a result.

Quote #5

but most she loathed the hour
   When the thick-moted sunbeam lay
   Athwart the chambers, and the day
Was sloping toward his western bower. (77-80)

What's the time of day that Mariana hates the most? It's sunset, when the rays of light illuminate her room (which is full of dust). It also signals the end of the day, and thus the failure of the man to return. In her depression, being reminded that time is passing without any change to her mood is very difficult. It also reminds her that she's still alone, in her house, which she hasn't bothered to dust. No wonder she hates sunset.