The Man in the High Castle Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I wonder what I accomplished, he thought as he watched the land mass grow. It is up to General Tedeki, now. Whatever he can do in the Home Islands. But at least we got the information to them. We did what we could. (15.2)

This is Baynes returning to Germany after his mission, wondering if he ever had the power to change history—but that last line could be everyone's. Tagomi did what he could to protect Baynes and Frink, but did he actually change anything? Juliana protected Hawthorne this time, but will it actually help him to survive other assassination attempts? Etc., etc. So is that a bummer of an ending? Does that apply to all us? "You can try, but you'll never be powerful enough to fix things on your own?"