The Man in the High Castle Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I possibly could manage my anxious proclivities by a ruse: trade the gun in on more historicity sanctioned item. This gun, for me, has too much subjective history... all of the wrong kind. But that ends with me; no one else can experience it from the gun. Within my psyche only. 

Free myself, he decided with excitement. When the gun goes, it all leaves, the cloud of the past. For it is not merely in my psyche; it is—as has always been said in the theory of historicity—within the gun as well. An equation between us! (14.19-20)

One difficulty with Dick's style here is that we listen in to so many people's thoughts and people aren't always so coherent. Here Tagomi starts out with the idea that his gun (which he used to protect Baynes) has too much history for him. That history only exists in his psyche. And then, in the very next paragraph, he notes that the gun has some historicity as well. So… which is it?