The Man in the High Castle Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"A violation of some petty ordinance," Mr. Tagomi said. "The Home Government and its bureaucratic officialdom. I grasp the situation. The old gentleman receives a stipend for his consultation with us, and he does not report it to his Pension Board. So we must not reveal his visit. They are only aware that he takes a vacation."

"You are a sophisticate," Mr. Baynes said. (5.122-3)

Tagomi seems used to the idea of lying to the government because there are some laws that aren't worth following. (In this case, because the government doesn't always help old people enough, Tagomi is willing to fudge the rules.) So, he's going to lie for good, in his mind.

Quote #5

I don't know why I didn't recognize the racial characteristics when I saw him. Evidently I'm easily deceived.

He decided, I'm simply not capable of deceit and that renders me helpless. Without law, I'd be at their mercy. He could have convinced me of anything. It's a form of hypnosis. They can control an entire society. (7.139-40)

Here's Childan repeating Nazi propaganda about Jews as super-deceivers. Besides the anti-Semitism (which reminds us what a jerk Childan is), we love his "I'm so vulnerable because I'm so honest." Of course, he's about to consider stealing jewelry from Ed McCarthy and to consider seducing Betty Kasoura. Yup, that's our super-honest Childan.

Quote #6

No doubt about it, he thought as he hung up the phone. The Colt .44 affair had shaken him considerably. He no longer viewed his stock with the same reverence. Bit of knowledge like that goes a long way. (9.114)

The end-point of this worry is Childan even doubting his own memory of FDR. Juliana may think the truth is awesome (see "Themes: Fate"), but Childan considers it very upsetting. He would've rather lived the lie.