Major Barbara Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

No: the Army is not to be bought. We want your soul, Bill; and we'll take nothing less. (2.365)

Barbara is being totally sincere, but the irony is that she's wrong—as events soon prove, the Army is to be bought—if the price is right. The problem is that he wasn't offering enough . . .

Quote #8

Stop. [Undershaft stops writing: they all turn to her in surprise]. Mrs. Baines: are you really going to take this money? (2.411)

Barbara now realizes that the Army is for sale, as long as enough money is involved. Even though the Salvation Army's party line is that it can't be bought and its mission runs counter to Undershaft's business, they are accepting money from Andrew because it's a lot of money.

Quote #9

You lie, you dirty blackguard! Snobby Price pinched it off the drum when he took up his cap. I was up here all the time an see im do it. (2.463)

Despite having said he would donate the sovereign, Bill is super annoyed to see that Snobby Price has stolen it. Rummy, however, is all too pleased to break this bad news to the man who hit her in the face for no reason.