Main Street Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I wish I could agree with you, dearie. I'm sure you're one of the Lord's anointed (even if we don't see you at the Baptist Church as often as we'd like to)!" (11.4.9)

Mrs. Bogart is one of those people who will never stop dropping hints. Each time she speaks to Carol, she can't help but mention that Carol should come to church more often.

Quote #5

"And as for the lecture hall—haven't we got the churches? Good deal better to listen to a good old-fashioned sermon than a lot of geography and books and things that nobody needs to know—more n' enough heathen learning right here in the Thanatopsis." (11.4.11)

Many folks in Gopher Prairie don't think there's much to learn in life apart from what's in the Bible. Anything else to them is just a bunch of nonsense—so you can imagine what kind of effect this thinking has on a more open-minded person like Carol. We'll give you a hint—it ain't good.

Quote #6

"Don't you think we already get enough of the Bible in our churches and Sunday Schools?" (11.8.19)

Carol thinks that the folks of Gopher Prairie have been hit over the head with the Bible for long enough, and that it's about time they devoted themselves to reading other books and learning other types of knowledge, like science and art. After all, there are many books out there other than the Bible.