Main Street Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh, my dear, don't you suppose I know? These first tender days of marriage—they're sacred to me" (5.5.18)

Vida Sherwin tells Carl that there are lots of things to be involved in in Gopher Prairie. But she also says that she respects Carol's right to get settled in first—after all, Carol has only been married a short time, and Vida wants to make sure that the new bride gets to enjoy her first days of marriage.

Quote #5

She could not have outside employment. To the village doctor's wife it was taboo. (7.2.3)

Carol is sad to realize that she can't get a job now that she's married to Will Kennicott. The society of her time simply wouldn't understand why the wife of a doctor would want to have a job. And you know how small-town folks are with things they don't understand—not pleased, apparently.

Quote #6

[It] was as a Nice Married Woman that she attended the next weekly bridge of the Jolly Seventeen. (7.3.3)

Carol quickly realizes how difficult it's going to be to fight the entire town of Gopher Prairie. When she first moves in, she openly expresses her opinions on politics and a bunch of other subjects. But she tones it down for a while when she realizes how unwanted her opinions are.