Main Street Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For that autumn she knew that a baby was coming, that at last lie promised to be interesting in the peril of the great change. (19.8.8)

When Carol realizes she's pregnant, she celebrates. Of course, it's not like she's super pumped about being a mother; she's just excited that something new will be happening in her totally dull life. Newsflash: that's probably not a good reason to be having babies, though it's not like Carol actually chose to.

Quote #8

The first day she hated him for the tides of pain and hopeless fear he had caused; she resented his raw ugliness. (20.1.5)

When Carol first gives birth to her son, she's worried that she doesn't love him. Worse yet, she feels like she outright hates him and finds him ugly. She expected some sort of motherly instinct to take control of her. But it doesn't—at least not at first. It's something that has to develop and grow.

Quote #9

After that she loved him with all the devotion and instinct at which she had scoffed. (20.1.5)

After her initial wave of hatred, Carol realizes that she loves her new baby more than anything in the world. She even feels a natural motherly instinct—something she would have totally made fun of before feeling it herself.