Main Street Alcohol and Drugs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In that drugged magic there was no difference between heavy heat and insinuating cold. (17.1.4)

Carol sometimes succeeds in feeling drunk even when she hasn't had alcohol. These are rare moments when she's able to give herself completely to what's going on around her. These moments will also become even rarer as her dissatisfaction grows more acute with time.

Quote #5

"It's good to be wanted […] It will drug me." (34.2.48)

Carol likes the feeling of being popular in Gopher Prairie. In fact, she thinks that this feeling might even be enough to "drug" her and get her through the endless boring days of living in this town. It's telling, though, that so many of these people need some kind of drug in order to make them feel better about their lives. If people are actually unhappy with Gopher Prairie underneath all that decorum, then why don't they do something constructive about it? What's keeping them back? Do they even recognize the problem?

Quote #6

Cy had obtained a pint of whisky; he said that he didn't remember where he had got it. (32.1.18)

Cy Bogart is probably the biggest troublemaker in Gopher Prairie. On top of that, he's a total liar. One night, he goes out and gets drunk, and then he blames his high school teacher—Fern Mullins—for seducing him and bullying him into drinking. None of it is true, but does Cy get into trouble for it? Nope. Fern does. Naturally.