Madame Bovary Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph). We used Lowell Bair's translation.

Quote #7

Nothing around them had changed; and yet, for her, something more momentous had happened than if the mountains had been shoved aside. (II.9.50)

After her first taste of freedom (the consummation of her relationship with Rodolphe), it feels as though Emma is in a new world.

Quote #8

"Just think what it will be like when we’re in the stagecoach together! Can you imagine it? When the carriage begins to move I think I’ll feel as though we’re going up in a balloon, soaring up into the clouds." (II.12.36)

Emma anticipates the sense of freedom she longs for, and hopes to attain through her elopement with Rodolphe.

Quote #9

For Emma, there was something intoxicating in the sight of that vast concentration of life, and her heart swelled as though the hundred and twenty thousand souls palpitating there all sent her a breath of the passions she attributed to them. Her love expanded in that space, and filled itself with tumult from the vague clamor that floated up from below. (III.10.9)

Approaching Rouen, Emma feels a sense of possibility and excitement that contrasts markedly with the feeling of disgust and constraint she felt looking at Yonville from a distance.