Lucky Jim Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Dixon wanted to laugh at this. It always amused him to hear girls (men never did it) refer to "Uncle" or "Daddy", and so on, as if there were only one uncle or daddy in the world, or as if this particular uncle or daddy were the uncle or daddy of all those present. (4.117)

Okay, okay—not the end of the world, but still…

Quote #8

All the same, what messes these women got themselves into over nothing. Men got themselves into messes, too, and ones that weren't so easily got out of, but their messes arose from attempts to satisfy real and simple needs. (11.31)

Real and simple needs, eh? Like the need for alcohol?

Quote #9

"Hysterics, eh?" Atkinson said, and slapped Margaret on the face several times, very hard, Dixon thought. (16.30)

We hardly know where to begin with this one. Bill doesn't really know Margaret or the details of the situation, so for all he knows she's having a seizure. He just assumes it's "hysterics." His casual tone about it seems to say—"Oh, those women, they always do this." We know that Bill's an aggressive guy. So we could argue that Amis is just being funny here, because he has Jim comment that this happened just like it happens in the movies.