Lucky Jim Injustice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Bertrand must not be a good painter; he, Dixon, would not permit it. (10.49)

We can see how the character of Bertrand sums up everything that Jim believes to be unjust in the world. Thinking that a windbag like B would actually be a good painter would be just too much to bear.

Quote #5

For once in his life, Dixon resolved to bet on his luck. What luck had come his way in the past he'd distrusted, stingily held on to until the chance of losing his initial gain was safely past. It was time to stop doing that. (14.23)

Jim figures that the only way to get something he wants in an unjust world is to just go for it. In the past he'd just accepted his situation and let his chances pass by.

Quote #6

This time [Jim] experienced nothing more than a small rage at the thought of a little louse like that having a flat in London. Why hadn't he himself had parents whose money so far exceeded their sense so as to install their son in London? The very thought of it was a torment. If he'd had that chance, things would be very different for him now. (18.17)

Another injustice: Jim had the bad luck to be born to parents who couldn't pamper him.