Love's Labour's Lost Literature and Writing Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

For when would you, my liege, or you, or you,
In leaden contemplation have found out
Such fiery numbers as the prompting eyes
Of beauty's tutors have enriched you with? (4.3.314-317)

Berowne brings home the message of the play: love teaches.

Quote #8

BOY, aside to Costard
They have been at a great feast
of languages and stolen the scraps.
COSTARD, aside to Boy
O, they have lived long on the
almsbasket of words. (5.1.38-41)

These two humble servants see Holofernes and Nathaniel's linguistic pomp for what it is – intellectual leftovers. Shakespeare often gave lowly characters sharp insight.

Quote #9

Nothing but this? Yes, as much love in rhyme
As would be crammed up in a sheet of paper
Writ o' both sides the leaf, margent and all, (5.2.6-8)

The Princess doesn't seem to recognize the literary genius in her hands, perhaps because the King has yet to learn the value of editing.