The Lovely Bones Chapter 22 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 22 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

I had taken this time to fall in love […] – in love with the sort of helplessness I had not felt in death – the helplessness of being alive, the dark bright pity of being human. (22.146)

Susie is so darn wise and articulate now. She so sums up the old human condition. Our fragility leaves us open to the best and worst of human experience.

Quote 2

"I've watched you both for years," I said. "I want you to make love to me." (22.125)

Susie is no cheesy succubus using humans for sex against their wills. No, Ray will only make love to Ruth's body when he learns Susie's inside it. It's consensual, and it seems to be a positive experience for him. For Susie, it's a chance to move past her brutal experience with Mr. Harvey and have a loving sexual experience. We get the feeling that now she can move on.

Quote 3

"We're here, you know […]. All the time. You can talk to us and think about us. It doesn't have to be sad or scary." (22.154)

Susie is saying that what we've been talking about as supernatural interactions between the living and the dead are really quite natural. What do you think?