The Lovely Bones Chapter 21 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 21 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

On that same road where I had been buried, Mr. Harvey passed by Ruth. All she could see were the women. Then: blackout. (21.160)

Ruth's supernatural ability is just too much for her.

Quote 2

That was the moment I fell to Earth. (21.161)

Susie puts the "super" in supernatural. Here she's at the height of her realm switching powers.

Quote 3

Sex was an act of willful forgetting. It was the kind he made more and more in the rooms above the barbershop. (21.96)

Of course, Susie's talking about Len Fenerman, the lady-loving detective. He's using consensual sex to help him forget the vivid details of rape that come with his job. Do you think this is a healthy way to cope?