The Lovely Bones Chapter 20 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 20 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

How could it be that you love someone so much and keep it a secret from yourself as you woke daily so far from home? (20.30)

Abigail realizes she's been blocking off her love for Jack. It takes the literal breaking, or at least attacking of his heart to reveal her true feelings.

Jack Salmon

Quote 2

"Someone came in the room and then left. I think it was Susie." (20.81)

Jack always embraces ghost Susie. He sees her like she sees herself – as someone who lives somewhere else, but can still come back and visit. Abigail has a much more guarded attitude toward the whole ghost thing.

Quote 3

He wanted to give the charm back to my father from the first moment he was able to confirm it was mine. Doing so was breaking the rules, but he never had a body for them […]. (20.6)

Len's gesture is appreciated, at least by Jack. Again, we see him trying to create order in a disorderly world, even if it means not going by procedure. Of course, he's also hoping to disrupt a little order here, too. He probably wouldn't mind if Abigail chose him over Jack.