The Lovely Bones Chapter 19 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 19 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

He had been keeping, daily, weekly, yearly, an underground storage room of hate. Deep inside this, the four-year-old sat, his heart flashing. Heart to stone, heart to stone. (19.65)

It's the moment of Buckley's mother's return – a moment where love and hate blend for intense emotional impact on the part of the readers and, of course, for Buckley himself.

Quote 2

After eight years it was, even for my mother, like the ubiquitous photo of a celebrity. (19.30)

When Abigail leaves Susie's photo outside the airport, it makes us tear up. We don't want her to give Susie up, but we know that she must. And Susie is already in heaven. Looks like we too have some letting go to do.