The Lovely Bones Chapter 13 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 13 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

Clarissa, giggly with both fear and lust, had unlocked her privates and slept with Brian. However haphazardly, everyone I'd known was growing up. (13.2)

Susie gets awful snide when she describes Clarissa's sexual experience. Well, Clarissa, her best friend on Earth, has essentially betrayed her by not honoring her memory. Clearly Susie is jealous that others can experience consensual sex, while her only experience with sex was violent.

Jack Salmon

Quote 2

"So you would want to be able to get into his house?" (13.81)

We were really disturbed by Jack encouraging his daughter to break into Harvey's house to get evidence of his guilt. Since this is a book, and Lindsey is one of the daring heroes of it, we'll let it slide.