Love Calls Us to the Things of This World Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

Now they are rising together in calm swells
Of halcyon feeling, filling whatever they wear
With the deep joy of their impersonal breathing; (9-11)

Impersonal breathing? How can breathing be impersonal? Isn't a person doing the breathing? Not here, no siree. These angels are breathing, and it's impersonal because they're not people—they're from heaven. They're of the spiritual world.

Quote #5

The terrible speed of their omnipresence, moving (13)

In this line, Wilbur reminds us that the spiritual world is everywhere; it's not confined to a specific place.

Quote #6

And clear dances done in the sight of heaven. (23)

Here's the start of the soul's wish for the human world to converge with the spiritual. And remember, it wishes that out of love.