Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


Whether she means to or not, Charlotte is Bob's guide out of his rut. (And we think it's "or not," BTW.) She's listless and isolated—that's what they bond over—but she's also young and full of potential. By breaking through his total disconnect, she gives him a kind of hope injection that makes him realize that maybe he can get back into life.

Bob Harris

Charlotte's our main mentor here, but Bob still dishes out some hearty helpings of wisdom to his young friend. "Nobody ever tells you that," Charlotte marvels after Bob discloses that the day your first kid is born is the single scariest day of your life.

For this duo, mentoring is a two-way street. Bob's got more than two decades' worth of life (and marriage) experience on Charlotte, and he's quick to cough up the wise, seasoned goods when Charlotte needs him.