The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon Themes

The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon Themes


With today's technology, you can explore the world from the comfort of your own couch. Rise of the Tomb Raider sticks you in Siberia. Doom takes you all the way to Mars. And Uncharted leads you on...

Foreignness and the Other

Throughout the annals of history, old white dudes have been the primary lens through which the world is viewed. Anyone outside of this gray, pasty worldview is considered "the Other." The Other is...

Man and the Natural World

The world can be divided into two groups: those love to hike and camp, and those who are sane.We're kidding, all you crazy campers. Today, camping can be just as luxurious as staying in a four-star...

Visions of the Amazon

The Amazon is more than a river. It's more than a jungle. It's more than a super convenient website where you can order anything. And it's more than the setting of The Lost City of Z. David Grann p...


In 2013, one in five Americans identified as "spiritual but not religious." That means they believe in a higher power but not an organized institution built around one.The Lost City of Z shows us h...


Swiss Family Robinson shows us a family adapting to a harsh environment and enjoying their time in the process. Tree houses? Fun on the beach? Yes, please. Yeah, well, it's a children's story, and...


We don't know what David Grann's favorite fragrance is, but if we had to guess, we'd say he douses himself with Calvin Klein's Obsession. Dude gets obsessed with everything; might as well smell lik...

Strength and Skill

Because there are so many jungle exploration video games—all the way back to Pitfall and up to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End—we often think of video games when thinking about The Lost City of Z. I...