Race Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Frog Lip didn't say much. He was a black man, but Jake didn't see anyone giving him many orders. (68.3)

This quote recalls Call's thought about not being able to make Deets a leader because Deets is black. Here, the theme is expanded upon. Jake Spoon expects to see Frog Lip (a racist name in and of itself) given orders simply because he's black, even though he's the most skilled man of the group.

Quote #8

"You coming?" [Frog Lips] asked—the first time on the whole trip that he had spoken to Jake directly. There was an insolence in his voice that caused Jake to flare up for a moment despite himself. (71.19)

You can substitute "insolence" for "uppitiness" here: Jake only interprets Frog Lips's tone in this way because Frog Lips is black. Jake doesn't feel this way when other people give him orders.

Quote #9

"Oh, you've got a n***** for a scout," Dixon said. "No wonder you're lost."

"We ain't lost," Call said, annoyed suddenly, "and that black man could track you across the coals of hell." (83.77-83.78)

Not everyone is totally racist here. Call stands up for Deets and his fellows know that Deets is a better tracker than anyone in their group, regardless of skin color.