Love Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Young Dish, skilled cowhand that he was, might not live to see the whores of Ogallala, and the tender feelings he harbored for Lorena might be the sweetest he would ever have. (35.24)

Gus often teases the older men for loving the way Newt does, but he realizes that Dish might never have the chance for another kind of love: he might die before they complete their journey. So he stops being hard on Dish. It's not like Dish can help it, right?

Quote #5

"Why do you always want to talk about that?" Call said.

"Because it was as close as you ever came to doing something normal," Augustus said. (63.73-63.74)

Gus is talking about Call's brief relationship with Maggie. Gus thinks love is a universal experience, and he doesn't understand why Call would shun it. Call's weird for doing so, in Gus's mind.

Quote #6

In some way Lorie would always be as distant from him as the Kansas stars. (73.63)

This is a heartbreaking line, and it comes when Dish finally realizes that he can never bridge the gap between himself and Lorena. Lovers can't be star-crossed if one of them never wants to cross the other.