Lolita Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The bud-stage of breast development begins early (10.7 years) in the sequence of somatic changes accompanying pubescence. And the next maturational item available is the first appearance of pigmented pubic hair (11.2 years). (1.5.9)

Humbert has clearly spent a lot of time thinking about the bodies of adolescent girls. His scientific descriptions make him seem like an even bigger pervert.

Quote #5

Never grow up. (1.5.11)

Humbert has a lot of strange notions about children. He often expresses contradictory feelings of desire and disgust toward children.

Quote #6

A modern child, an avid reader of movie magazines, an expert in dream-like close-ups, might not think it too strange, I guessed, if a handsome, intensely virile grown-up friend […] (1.11.22)

Humbert's self-perceptions are full of references to the movies. He often exploits the fact that others are so wrapped up in images from Hollywood. Does he love movies as much as Lolita does? How are movies a tool of his exploitation?