A Little Princess Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The face she saw was a shining wonderful thing. The Princess Sara—as she remembered her—stood at her very bedside, holding a candle in her hand. (15.259)

Sara is so excited when she sees that her room has been tricked out in the middle of the night that Becky thinks she's looking like her old self again.

Quote #8

"…The Magic has come and done it, Becky, while we were asleep—the magic that won't let the worst things EVER quite happen." (15.260)

We wish we had a magical secret friend who cleaned our rooms every night. Seriously.

Quote #9

"My word!" ejaculated Jessie, jogging Lavinia's elbow. "Look at the Princess Sara!"

Much to everyone's shock, Sara starts wearing fancy clothes again—but, she's still the same Sara.