A Little Princess Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sara," she said in a timid, almost awe-stricken voice, "are—are —you never told me—I don't want to be rude, but—are YOU ever hungry?" (15.99)

Well, duh, Ermengarde. Duh. But we can't really blame Ermengarde: she's a loyal and true friend, but she has literally no imagination. If she's not hungry, she can't imagine that anyone else would be.

Quote #5

"There isn't any banquet left, Emily," she said. "And there isn't any princess. There is nothing left but the prisoners in the Bastille." And she sat down and hid her face. (15.224)

When the magic has come and gone, it's just Sara in her sad, lonely little attic. Super depressing, Shmoopers. But wait! This may be the darkest moment yet—which means that dawn can't be far behind.

Quote #6

She suddenly felt so tired—perhaps through want of food—that she sat down on the edge of the bed quite weakly. (15.228)

Noooo! Just hold on for a few more hours, Sara: help is on the way.