A Little Princess Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She knew she need not hesitate to use the little piece of money. It had evidently been lying in he mud for some time, and its owner was completely lost in the stream of passing people who crowded and jostled each other all day long. (13.18)

Sara is so poor that even the sight of a dropped fourpenny piece makes her elated. To be honest, we love finding change in the street, too.

Quote #8

The child got up and shuffled in. to be invited into a warm place full of bread seemed an incredible thing. She did not know what was going to happen. She did not care, even. (13.81)

It's true—there could always be someone poorer than you. This is something that Sara definitely learns. (Although we'd hate to know what someone poorer than this beggar looks like.)

Quote #9

"What a bed for a child to sleep in—and in a house which calls itself respectable!" (14.18)

Mr. Carrisford's staff is totally appalled at Miss Minchin's treatment of Sara, and with good reason too.