A Little Princess Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Come, come," said Carmichael. "We shall find her yet…" (12.48)

The search for Ralph Crewe's daughter continues, even though the odds of finding her look awfully slim. So, it looks like there's perseverance on both sides of the wall.

Quote #8

But she persevered obstinately, and as the muddy water squelched through her broken shoes and the wind seemed trying to drag her thin jacket from her, she talked to herself as she walked, though she did not speak aloud of even move her lips. (13.10)

Sara can even determinedly talk herself out of feeling cold and hunger… or at least some of it, anyway. Everyone has a breaking point—we think.

Quote #9

And she came in with a springing step, color in her cheeks, and a smile hovering about the corners of her mouth. (16.25)

What's up! Even after being denied breakfast, supper, and dinner for days, Sara shows Miss Minchin that she can't keep her spirits down. (Okay, well, it helps that she actually is being fed in secret. But still.)