A Little Princess Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The diamond mines!" Miss Minchin gasped out. If this was true, nothing so horrible, she felt, had ever happened to her since she was born. (18.54)

Hah! Serves you right, you mean, nasty thing. Miss Minchin will never get her hands on that money now. And what's even better is she has to watch Sara's every move, since they're still living right next door.

Quote #8

"You will never see your companions again," she began. "I will see that Ermengarde and Lottie are kept away--" (18.71)

Miss Minchin is truly spiteful, but thankfully, Sara's got a lawyer on her team. Always good to have a lawyer around!

Quote #9

"…The fact was, she was too clever for you, and you always disliked her for that reason." (18.82)

Miss Amelia rarely appears in the story, but at the end, it's clear that Miss Minchin (and the reader) has underestimated her. She knows what's up. Too bad she didn't speak up earlier, when it could have done Sara some good.