A Little Princess Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Ernie!" she said. "Let us pretend! Let us pretend it's a party! And oh, won't you invite the prisoner in the next cell?" (15.118)

Ain't no party like a secret attic party! And it really is a good party. In fact, this secret attic party sounds nicer than Sara's fancy 11th birthday—at least, there's a lot more love. (Slightly less cake, though.)

Quote #8

"I can write to him," she said joyfully, "and leave it on the table. Then perhaps the person who takes the things away will take it, too. I won't ask him anything. He won't mind my thanking him, I feel sure." (16.84)

Check out how Sara is even nervous about thanking her mysterious benefactor, just in case he doesn't even want to be acknowledged. Pro tip, Shmoopers: always write your thank-you notes.

Quote #9

"Nice monkey! Nice monkey!" she crooned, kissing his funny head. "Oh, I do love little animal things." (16.110)

Sara is a regular Snow White when it comes to the number of animal friends she has: rats, monkeys, and sparrows.