A Little Princess Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh, Becky," she said. "I told you we were the same—only two little girls—just two little girls." (7.204)

On the outside, Sara and Becky look like they're the same, but Becky convinces her that it isn't so: Sara is still a little princess. Isn't this just a little contradictory? We're not actually sure if the book believes that we're all the same, or that some of us are actually special.

Quote #5

"To think that she was the girl with the diamond mines," Lavinia commented. "She does look an object. And she's queerer than ever." (8.17)

Lavinia is obviously the most compassionate and selfless person at the school. Obviously.

Quote #6

She had known that she looked odd and shabby, but until now she had not known that she might be taken for a beggar. (10.14)

Oh how embarrassing! The littlest member of the Large Family mistook Sara for a poor beggar due to her sad attire. Luckily, both of them handle it with real grace—like the well-bred children that they are.