Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Life Is Beautiful.

Quote #7

ELISEO: Are you hurt?

A man of dignity to the end, Eliseo's willing to help a Nazi officer who falls because he sees her as a fellow human being despite her brutal treatment of him. It's a small act, but it's a heartbreaking scene. The man's a class act.

Quote #8

JOSHUA: That we get cooked in the oven.

[Guido laughs tiredly.]

JOSHUA: They burn us up in the oven.

GUIDO: You fell for that, too! You just eat everything up. I've heard of a wood oven, but I've never seen a man oven before. "I'm made of wood!" "Take this lawyer!" "This lawyer doesn't burn. He's not dry enough. Look at that smoke!"

The gas chambers and crematoria of the concentration camps remain a haunting symbol of this horrific event in human history. Although Guido's trying to make light of the situation for Joshua, even the imagery of the words is sickening to contemplate. Warning: This photo of a crematorium can be disturbing. In fact, it should be.