The Library of Babel Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

At that same period there was also hope that the fundamental mysteries of mankind – the origin of the Library and of time – might be revealed...For four centuries, men have been scouring the hexagons.... (9)

Hold up a minute. They've been searching for four centuries? This quest isn't going so well… maybe they should just give up and go home.

Quote #5

They were spurred on by the holy zeal to reach – someday, through unrelenting effort – the books of the Crimson Hexagon – books smaller than natural books, books omnipotent, illustrated, and magical. (11)

This sounds like a quest for the Holy Grail type of scenario. The trouble with this kind of quest is, who knows if the Crimson Hexagon is even real? It might just be the stuff of legend.

Quote #6

Many have gone in search of Him. For a hundred years, men beat every possible path – and every path in vain. How was one to locate the idolized secret hexagon that sheltered Him? (12)

Another holy quest, only this time the explorers are searching not for a place or a thing, but a person. The trouble with people is, well, they die. So what if this dude is already dead? What if someone has already thrown his body over the air duct railings?