Les Misérables Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Book.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

[Cosette] contemplated that family of birds, male and female, mother and children, with the sense of profound disturbance that a bird's nest imparts to a virgin girl. (

Um, okay Hugo. We can't say that we're familiar with this feeling, but we'll take your word for it. The point here is the Cosette—despite her virginity—has some vague longings to have a family of her own that seemed to be stirred up by seeing a bird's nest.

Quote #8

Monsieur Gillenormand at first went through every kind of torment, and then through every kind of rapture. It was with great difficulty he was restrained from spending all his nights at the bedside. (

Aw, looks like Granddad is a big old softy after all. When Marius gets shot in a French revolt, his grandfather spends all his time at his bedside, praying for him to recover. Deep down, Marius is Gillenormand's biggest reason for living. What's the point of all that money if you don't have any one to leave it to, right?

Quote #9

In this [Marius] was unshakeable, regardless of what it might cost, or the demands he might have to make of his grandfather or of life. (

Okay, family is important. But so is following your heart, especially when it leads you to the cute fifteen year old you've hardly exchanged two words with. (Okay, fine, she's a few years older by this point.)