Les Misérables Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Book.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

Returning to his garret that evening Marius considered the clothes he was wearing, and for the first time was conscious of the fact that he had the slovenliness, the bad taste and oafish stupidity to walk in the Luxembourg in his everyday clothes. (

Get with it, Marius—girls don't want no scrubs. Of course, Marius has never given his looks a single though until he realizes that someone else might be looking, too. Then it suddenly because super important whether he's wearing the right jeans.

Quote #8

Her figure had filled out, her skin was finer, her hair more lustrous, and there was a new splendour in her blue eyes. (

Cosette's transformation into a young beauty becomes completely when she passes through adolescence and gets into her mid-teens. (Because we all know that fifteen-year-olds are at the height of their physical beauty. What, did acne not exist in nineteenth-century France?) For Hugo, this is all just shorthand for indicting that she's recovered from the emotional abuse of the Théndardier's household.

Quote #9

Instantly she knew all that there was to know about hats and gowns, cloaks, sleeves and slippers. (

The moment Cosette looks in the mirror and thinks she's pretty, she develops an immediate interest in fancy clothing. We get the feeling Hugo didn't talk to many women, but okay. As nonsensical as this sentence is, we can accept that it's Hugo's way of showing that Cosette is going through an interior and exterior transformation.